bump 2022
road barrier murals

Beltline Urban Mural Project = BUMP
I applied to make road barriers for BUMP yyc in 2022 and was awarded the maximum amount available to one artist and painted them over the intense sun of the early summer.

I was contracted to fill the space of four of these double sided 10ā€™ barriers and my instincts are always to create characters doing stuff. This projects canvas was long and shallow, so I created four illustrations that played with pulling the eyes back and forth across it.

Painting outdoor murals kid of goes one of two ways: you either get the rain and wind or you get the hot blistering sun. Lucky for me, I have a tent I use at outdoor markets that I was able to use to keep the elements off of me and the fresh acrylic paints.

I would say this was an incredibly wonderful experience for me. The only other murals Iā€™d painted had taken months of backbreaking labour and organising teams. This was nice to just kinda do at a casual pace. I enjoyed working with BUMP so much, I applied to make more work with them in 2025!